손제용, 압도적 데뷔전 우승후
특선급 정태양 등 꺾고 6연승
강민성·민선기·원준오도 발군
4주 연속 광명 우수급 접수
시즌 시작과 함께 벨로드롬에 나타난 28기 선발급 신인들이 맹위를 떨치고 있다.
28기 수석졸업생 손제용은 ‘군계일학’이다. 지난달 12일 광명 2회차에 모습을 드러낸 손제용은 선행을 자청한 후 그대로 시속을 올려 나갔고, 단 한 차례도 역전을 허용하지 않으며 우승으로 데뷔전을 장식했다.
2023년 12월 신인 28기 선수들이 광명스피돔에서 시범경기를 하고 있다. 서울올림픽기념국민체육진흥공단 제공
다음날도 선행 승을 챙긴 손제용은 우수급 강자들이 모두 올라온 결승에서 양진우(20기, A1)의 예상치 못한 기습에 주도권을 빼앗기며 위기를 맞이했다.
그러나 신인답지 않게 평상심을 유지하며 2코너를 돌면서부터 침착하게 젖히기를 시도했고, 결국 3코너에서는 앞서가던 선수들을 모두 넘어서며 여유있게 3연승에 성공했다.
2주 후 광명 4회차에 다시 출전한 손제용은 금요일에는 추입 승, 토요일에는 선행 승을 거둔 데 이어 특선급 출신들인 정태양(23기 A1), 윤현준(18기, A1)을 상대한 결승에서 다시 폭발적인 젖히기를 선보이며 6연승을 차지했다.
광명 3회차, 5회차 결승도 28기 훈련원 순위 6위 강민성과 4위 민선기의 몫이었다.
손제용, 강민성, 민성기, 원준오(왼쪽부터).
강민성은 데뷔전에서 힘 한번 제대로 써보지 못하고 최하위의 쓴맛을 보았다. 그러나 토요일과 일요일 2연승으로 빠르게 분위기를 쇄신했고, 2주 후 출전한 3회차부터는 본인의 진가를 발휘했다.
금요일 예선전에서 정민석(27기, A3)의 선행을 젖히기로 넘어서면서 강축으로 나섰던 윤현준(18기, A1)을 여유있게 막아냈다. 일요일 결승에서는 동대전고 후배 구본광(27기, A1)의 젖히기를 추입하며 28기 동기 원준오와 각각 1착, 2착을 합작했다.
민선기는 추입과 젖히기에 강점을 보이며 3승을 수확 중이다. 데뷔무대에서 2경기 연속으로 선행 3착에 그치며 아쉬움을 남겼지만, 지난 2일 금요 예선전에서는 김광근(27기, A3)의 선행을 추입하면서 결승에 안착했고, 결승에서는 특선급 출신의 세종팀 선배 황준하(22기, A1)의 후위에서 경기를 풀어나갔다.
경기는 정윤재(18기, A1)의 선행을 추입한 황준하의 3연승으로 마무리되는 흐름으로 전개됐으나, 황준하의 추입은 의외로 무뎠다.
반면 황준하의 후위를 따르던 민선기는 황준하와 정윤재까지 모두 잡아내며 우승을 차지했다. 4주 연속으로 28기 신인들이 광명 우수급을 접수하는 순간이었다.
28기 훈련원 순위 5위 원준오도 경륜 초창기 잠실 벨로드롬을 주름잡았던 아버지 원창용(2기)의 명성 못지않게 빼어난 실력을 선보이며 차세대 대표주자로 손색없는 모습을 보여줬다.
특히 폭발력 있는 젖히기가 일품인 원준오는 3회차 결승 준우승을 포함해 현재까지 6회 출전에서 우승 3회, 2착 3회를 기록하며 6연승 중인 손제용과 함께 100% 연대율을 기록 중이다.
김민지 기자 minji@sportsworldi.com
[English Version]
Son Je-yong, after winning his overwhelming debut match
6 consecutive wins after defeating special class Jeong Tae-yang
Kang Min-seong, Min Seon-ki, and Won Jun-oh are also outstanding.
Received Gwangmyeong Excellent grade for 4 consecutive weeks
With the start of the season, the 28th starting class rookies who appeared at the velodrome are showing off their power.
Son Je-yong, the 28th class valedictorian, is a ‘military scholar.’ Son Je-yong, who appeared in the second round of Gwangmyeong on the 12th of last month, volunteered to take the lead and then increased the speed, not allowing a single comeback and decorating his debut with a win.
Son Je-yong, who had already won the next day, faced a crisis when he lost the initiative to an unexpected surprise attack by Yang Jin-woo (20th class, A1) in the finals where all excellent players advanced.
However, unlike a rookie, he maintained his composure and attempted to calmly pull back from the second corner. In the end, he surpassed all the players ahead of him in the third corner and comfortably achieved his third consecutive win.
Son Je-yong, who competed again in the 4th round of Gwangmyeong two weeks later, won an introductory win on Friday and a lead-up win on Saturday, and then won in the final against special-level former players Jeong Tae-yang (23rd class, A1) and Yoon Hyun-jun (18th class, A1). He showed off his explosive performance again and won his 6th consecutive win.
The 3rd and 5th finals of Gwangmyeong also belonged to Kang Min-seong, 6th place, and Min Seon-ki, 4th place, in the 28th training center rankings.
Kang Min-seong was unable to use his strength properly in his debut match and suffered the bitter taste of lowest place. However, he quickly refreshed his mood with two consecutive wins on Saturday and Sunday, and showed his true potential from the third game two weeks later.
In Friday's preliminaries, he surpassed the lead of Jeong Min-seok (27th class, A3) and comfortably blocked Yoon Hyun-jun (18th class, A1), who was strong. In Sunday's finals, he copied the flip-flops of Dongdaejeon High School's junior Koo Bon-gwang (27th class, A1) and teamed up with his classmate Won Jun-oh (28th class) for the first and second landings, respectively.
Min Seon-ki is enjoying three wins, showing his strengths in insertion and retraction. Although he was disappointed in his debut stage by only finishing in third place in two consecutive games, he reached the finals by following the lead of Kim Gwang-geun (27th class, A3) in the preliminary round on Friday the 2nd, and in the finals, Hwang Jun-ha, a Sejong team senior from the special selection level, won the finals. The game was played from the rear of (22nd, A1).
The game unfolded in a trend that ended with Hwang Jun-ha's 3rd consecutive win, following the lead of Jeong Yun-jae (18th class, A1), but Hwang Jun-ha's advance was surprisingly slow.
On the other hand, Min Seon-ki, who followed Hwang Jun-ha's rearguard, captured both Hwang Jun-ha and Jeong Yun-jae to win the championship. It was the moment when the 28th class of rookies received the Gwangmyeong Excellence Class for four weeks in a row.
Won Jun Oh, ranked 5th in the 28th training center rankings, showed off his outstanding skills as well as the reputation of his father Won Chang-yong (2nd class), who dominated the Jamsil Velodrome in the early days of racing, and showed himself as a worthy representative of the next generation.
In particular, Won Jun-oh, who is excellent at explosive flipping, has recorded 3 wins and 3 second finishes in 6 appearances to date, including runner-up in the 3rd final, and is recording a 100% solidarity rate with Son Je-yong, who is on 6 consecutive wins.
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